Cuento mensa basado en la vida rial de la rialidá rial.

Algo que me sucedió hace poco en la oficina.

(Desde lejos)
- Sir, sir, can I have a word with you?!?!
Pensando que le hablan a alguien más, ni lo pelo.
- Sir - el vato casi llega a donde estoy - sir, can I have a word with you?!
- No
El güey se saca de onda -why not?-
- I'm busy
- Busy doing what?
- Breathing
El güey se medio encabrona.
- Sir could you please place your badge in a higher position from where it is.
Normalmente traigo el gafete en la cintura. Mal hecho.
Acto seguido, me lo pongo unos dos centímetros de donde estaba.
- Is that ok? - me río
- Sir it has to be on a visible.area around your chest
Me cambio el gafete y el vato se va.
I don't have a problem with complying. Still, I get fun from messing with these airheads minds... If there's anything up there, of course. Everytime I see that guy he looks like life is unkind to him. That or he's got issues.

Sent from Samsung Dino


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